Energetic Rewiring

Energetic Rewiring is a form of energy work that works directly with the electrical system of the physical body. As growth and evolution happens, we sometimes go through a type of “systems upgrade” that allows us to be a stronger conduit for the presence that we are in the world

While we are in that “upgrade process” we may lose the ability to move our energy as effectively and efficiently as we have in the past. Often our ability to ground ourselves or be centered is greatly reduced.

When this happens, Energetic Rewiring is very helpful in initiating the new electrical system and re-routing blocked channels. This is a highly intuitive process and distinctly individual to each person.

I am skilled in following the body’s innate intelligence – one size does not fit all.

Symptoms of the need for this form of body work include:

• General lack of, or reduced, Groundedness
• Suddenly unable to “Center” one’s self
• Aching in hips, legs and feet
• General sense of not being comfortable in one’s body
• Sense of “free fall” with nothing to hold onto

Many times I will recognize the need for this during a healing session and offer it to you as part of your treatment. It is not necessary for you to request this modality in advance.